Biographies /Short Biography /Semblanzas


José Ricardo TAUILE


Born: July 20, 1945, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Professor Titular (full professor) in Labour Economics, at the Instituto de Economia Industrial da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1989

M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics (1976 and 1984) at the New School for Social Research, New York

B.A. in civil engineering, 1968, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


General professional information

Full professor at the Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (where I have been one of its founders and its first director)

Full professor at the Instituto de Economia Industrial (the post-graduate program in economics of the), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, where I have been director in 1994 and 1995, and vice-director from 1986 to 1990.

Attached to the University of Paris XIII, from November 1990 until January 1992, doing post-doctorate work, studying the relations between technological change, income distribution and contemporary forms of social organization of production.

Visiting professor at University of Paris XIII, in the academic years 1991/1992 and 1995/6.

Areas of concentration: economics of technology, labour economics, industrial economics and macroeconomics. Since 1998, working specially with "Brotherly Economics".

Scholarships and Fellowships awarded by Brazilian institutions (CNPq, CAPES, IPEA), since 1984 up until today.

Several consulting activities and reports done for international agencies (like ILO, PREALC, UNIDO, etc.), and Brazilian federal government agencies (Ministério da Defesa, Secretaria Especial de Informática, IPEA, etc), as well as State agencies (Secretaria de Desenvolvimento e Assuntos Internacionais do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento, Trabalho e Solidariedade de São Paulo, e Secretaria de Industria Comercio e Mineração do Estado da Bahia).

Participation in many (national and international) seminars, conferences and roundtables.

Many papers published in specialized academic publications (local and international) and in major Brazilian newspaper. Author of Para (re)construir o Brasil contemporâneo, Contraponto Ed., 2001.


Résumé/ Summary/ Resumen


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