International Conference :

In search of a brotherly economy

Rennes, 12 - 14 Dec 2003
4, rue Kléber, Rennes, in the premises of université de Rennes 1, France.

General programme

PEKEA conference is organised with CODESPAR,
Economic and Social Development Committee of Rennes Country
and the Partnership of the monthly magazine
Alternatives Economiques
The support from the City of Rennes and from Rennes-Métropole

Friday 12 December ( Morning)

8h Welcome and Check in by delegates

8h 45 (1) Official Opening

M. Bertrand Fortin, President of Université de Rennes 1.
M. Edmond Hervé, President of Rennes Métropole
M. Alain Yvergniaux, Vice-president of CODESPAR
M. Yves Berthelot, President of PEKEA

9h 30 (2) The concept of fraternity

Pdt of the session: Theotonio Dos Santos, President of the Scientific Committee of Pekea, Unesco Chair, Rio, Brazil
Presentations by
Bruno Mattéi, Philosopher, Lille, France
Bruno Théret, Economist, Paris, France

11h 30 Break
11h 45 (3) Ethics and Value, Wealth and Poverty

Round table presented by Philippe Frémeaux, Editor of Alternatives Economiques, Paris, France.
With :
René Passet, Economist, Paris, France: The reasons why economics must take care of ethics
Patrick Viveret, Philosopher, Paris, France: What makes wealth for our societies
Oswaldo de Rivero, Economist, Lima, Peru: To give a sense of ethics to the measure of wealth and development
Mauricio Langon, Philosopher, Montevideo, Uruguay: Ethical responsibility from the rich and the powerful

13h 15 Lunch - buffet

Friday 12 December (Afternoon)

14h 45 (4) Measure of values and Value of measures

Pdt de Session: Yves Berthelot, President of PEKEA
Presentations by
Jean Gadrey, Economist, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Societal value of community activities
Rodrigo Arocena, Economist, Montevideo, Uruguay,: Inequality, underdevelopment and learning process
Enrique Garcilazo, Austin, United States: Unemployment and inequalities in Europe


16h 15 Break
16h 30 - 18h 30 Workshops and parallel sessions

Workshop A: In search of local relevant indexes of wealth
Led by: Laurent Assathiany, MDS, Paris and Alain Yvergniaux, VPdt of CODESPAR
With Jean Gadrey, Loïc Dutay and Jacques Prades, Economist, Toulouse, France.

Workshop B: Societal value and social economy
Led by: Jean François Draperi, Director of the Review RECMA.

Workshop C: What is a successful solidarity activity?
Led by: Anaïg Hache, CODESPAR
With Josette Combes, Economist, Toulouse, France and Hachmi Bentahar, Economist, Casablanca, Morocco

Workshop D: Value of education, education to values
Led by : Agnès Duraffour, Coordinatrice pédagogique, Sausset les Pins, France,
With Daniel Cueff, Langouet, , France

Workshop E: La démocratie face à l'écocratie - Democracy facing Ecocracy - la democracia frente a la ecocracia
Animé par : Marion Gret, Political scientist, Paris, France,
With Juan Soto, Sociologist, Santiago de Chile, Didier Bévant, Economist, Rennes, Cécile Lechat, Pédagogue, Nantes, France and Jean-Claude Diebolt, Philosopher, Gregum, Le Mans.

Workshop F: New emerging values and economic impacts
Led by Béatrice Quasnik, Firm Consultant, Paris, France.

Workshop G: A brotherly economy in the feminine
Led by: Joëlle Palmieri, Author, Association Pénélopes, Paris, France.

Workshop H: For Peace and Fraternity, introduction to nonviolence
Led by : Victor Kadima, professor and Georgette Bilonda, CUCAFE, Kinshasa, Dem. Rep of Congo.
With Roselyne Rochereau, Querqueville, France and Joaquim Arriola, Bilbao, Espagne.

18 h 30 Free time for dinner

20 h 30 - 22 h 30 (5) Fraternity and Civilisation

Pdt of session: N. Pierre Fidèle Nze-Nguéma, Sociologist, Libreville, Gabon Setting a global fraternity: a challenge for the 21th century
Contributions by
Philippe Hugon, Economist, Nanterre, France: Is it posible to base an international ethical economics upon the principle of fraternity?
Rajani Kanth, Economist, Durham, United States: Economics and Civilization

Saturday 13 December (Morning)

9h (6) The value of work

Pdt de Session: Pierre-Jean Simon, Sociologist, Rennes, France
Contributions by
Alain Touraine, Sociologist, EHESS, Paris, France: Work without end
Jacques de Bandt, Economist, CNRS, Nice, France: Elimination of unemployment
Rubén Lo Vuolo, Economist, Buenos Aires, Argentine: Vulnerable conditions of work

10h 15 Break
10 h 30 (7) National, International Solidarities and the duty to intervene

Round table led by Guy Hascoët, Roubaix, France, ex Secretary of State for solidarity economy
Molly Charles, Sociologist, Kundara, India
Alberto Mario Federico-Sabaté, Economist, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Farid Eid, Economist, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Louis Favereau, Sociologist, Hull, Canada
Gregory Valatin, Economist, Sienna, Italy
José Antonio Cortez Torrez, Economist, Potosi, Bolivia

12h 45 Lunch - buffet

Saturday 13 December (Afternoon)

14 h 15 (8) Combinations for Production and Exchange

Round table led by Yves Morvan, Economist, President of Economic and Social Council of Brittany
Michel Capron, Professor of Management, Paris, France: Societal assessment of the firm
Luis Mauricio Cuervo, Economist, Bogota, Colombia: Difference in wealth among territories, between efficiency and solidarity
Philippe Daudi, Professor of management, Kalmar, Sweden, Elena Tonetta, Kalmar, Sweden and Charbel MacDissi, Economist, Antilles Guyane: Fair management and sustainable practice
Serge Latouche, Philosopher, Paris, France : Reinventing the "doux commerce" (soft trade) - Thoughts about justice's ways in trade
Wei Wang, Economist, Pékin, Chine: Family Firm Governance and its social responsability - a case study in China for promoting the development of private sector

16h 30 Break
16h45 - 18h45 Workshops and parallel sessions

Workshop L: Societal balance sheet practice and social accountability of the firm
Led by: Gérard Leseul, Secretary of CDJES
Yves Cariou, CEDAG
With: Jean Patrick Abelsohn, Alice Cooperatif Concept, Paris and Evelyne Guffens, Conseil en management, Eaubonne, France.

Workshop M: Fair trade and agricultural products
Led by par Gilles Maréchal, Pdt Coordination des Associations de Solidarité Internationale (CASI) of Brittany (France)
With: Clive Peckham, European Coordinator for Alimenterra, UK), Guy Durand, ENSAR, Rennes, HuguesToussaint, Director of Biocoops, Tarbes, Jean François Prié, Farmer, Boisgervilly and Vladimir Yefimov.

Workshop N: Exchanges and market
Led by Michel Renault, Economist, Rennes, France
With Kazumi Shimizu, Economist, Tokyo, Japon, Yoshikazu Sato, Economist, Tokyo, Japon and Pascale Turquet, Economist, France.

Workshop O: Another enterprise governance: "l'autogestion" (self-managing) revisited
Led by Xavier Richet, Economist, Paris, France, with Henry Nogues, Economist, Nantes, France and Ricardo Tauile, Economist, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Associated, Carlos Zárate, Economista, Mexico.

Workshop P: International networks for social and solidarity economy
With Abdou Salam Fall, Dakar, Sénégal and Joëlle Palmieri, Author, CRID, Paris, France

Workshop Q: Stamina, personal autonomy and collective dynamics
With Laurence Baranski, Firm Consultant, Paris, France and Jacques Lecomte, Sociologist, Paris, France.

Workshop R: Les comportements individuels and collectifs - Individual and Collective Behaviours - Los comportamientos individuales y colectivos
Led by; Odile Castel, Economist, Rennes France and Anne Androuais, Economist, Paris, France with Jorge Rosario, Management, Lisboa, Portugal and Eric Julien, Alkhemia, Paris.

Workshop S : Quel futur commun possible? What is feasible as our common future? ¿Qué es posible para nuestro futuro común?
Led By Theotonio Dos Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil avec Juan Carlos Martinez-Coll, Economist, Malaga, Espagne et Yahia Yahyaoui, Economist, Casablanca, Morocco

Workshop T: How to teach a PEKEA?
With Jean Louis Perrault, Economist, Rennes, France and Vincent Gouëset, Geographer, Rennes, France.


18h45 Free time for dinner

20h 45 - 22h 45 (9) Personal Involvement

Round table led by: Georges Fournier, Professor of Law, Rennes, France
With Laurence Baranski, Firm Consultant, Paris, France: Personal transformation and social transformation interacting: levers and obstacles
André Giordan, Didactician Epistemologist, Geneva, Switzerland: To learn how to learn the indispensable knowledge
Michel Denis, Historian, Rennes, France: The sense of an academic trail

Sunday 14 December

10h General Assembly of PEKEA chaired by Yves Berthelot

11h (10) Conference and debate with Juan Soto, Sociologist, UAHC, Santiago de Chile

12h Cocktail (Rennes City Hall)