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Gregory Valatin has worked as a fisheries economist in Scotland, held research fellowships in the Netherlands and France, is currently a Research Associate at Darwin College, University of Cambridge and is studying for a doctorate in economics at the University of Siena. His publications include:

The Common Fisheries Poicy after 2002: Alternative options to the TACs and Quota system

for conservation and management of fisheries resources, co-author, European Parliament

Research Directorate, 1997.

The impact of new fish markets on fish prices, Economic Research Paper No.6, Scottish

Office, 1998.

"Quota Trading Systems in EU Fisheries", Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, 9:3, 2001.

"An Essay on Humanizing the Market and Economic Discourse", Journal of International Economics Studies, No.18, co-author, forthcoming.

Résumé/ Summary/ Resumen


Human security as a Global Good

Gregory Valatin

Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Universita degli Studi di Siena, Piazza San Francesco 7, 53100 Siena, Italy

Human security is a recent concept founded upon a "belief that human beings should he able to lead lives of creativity, without having their survival threatened or their dignity impaired." (Japanese Prime Minister Obuchi Keizo cited in Amartya Sen, 2002, p.1) Basic Education & Human Security. (Workshop on Education, Equity & Security, Kolkata, India, January 2-4). It can be conceptualized as measuring the ability of individuals to exercise core human rights. It is a fundamental element of global justice, reflecting universal societal values and the founding objective of the United Nations of creating a world characterized by "freedom from fear" and "freedom from want". It can be characterized as a "global good" as all UN member states are officially committed to its provision, recognizing that it has global and non-rival benefits. It has generated considerable interest among policy-makers, but has been largely ignored in the economics literature. The concept is fundamentally incompatible with the traditional utilitarian framework of welfare economics in which rights are considered of no intrinsic value and only individual utilities matter. It fits most easily with the capabilities approach Sen (1999) in which human rights are conceptualized as rights to core capabilities and removal of ‘unfreedoms’ constitute both the means and end of economic development.