"Forging Management and Leadership for Fairness and Sustainability"
Philippe Daudi
SUB THEME 7 : Fair management and sustainable economies
One may connect the notions of Fairness and Sustainability to historically significant events, which were played out during the last decade. The ever increasing shift in values, the increasing immanence of information and knowledge and the ever emphasized ethical standards are all but acknowledged signs of the deep transformation of today's social development which, if adequately monitored, could be socially and environmentally sustainable.
The paradoxical frame of the ever more knowledge deepening and superficiality contentment marking the path of the post-modern man, are widely represented in our hyper-reality, where the artificial becomes more real than reality itself. The path is that of the demand for the extraordinary and the ecstatic, the fast and surprising. Normality is expelled as boring and insignificant. Surrealistic returns on short terms actions are acclaimed as heroic deeds.
Fairness in these transactions and interactions between people and the sustainability of their endeavor are seldom given a space, let alone noticed. The cry goes high for alternative view and betterment of this path. Thus, the conditions of possibility of developing an understanding of our actuality in context as well as a new sensitivity for fairness and sustainability are rooted in the path of the post-modern man.
The conference aims to explore and claim territory which creates theory and action oriented efforts springing from a set of values related to the guiding spirit formulation "Fair Management and Sustainable Economies".
The task therefore is to renew, broaden and develop traditional discourse and reshape its limits. Current social debate encourages a desired opening out towards a redefined genealogy of social economics provinces of thoughts. Concepts such as morals, ethics, virtues, trust and care are very applicable in managerial and economic contexts.
The challenge is to visualize and develop patterns which are difficult to capture at first glance, but which are even more fascinating in that they constitute the interface between art and science, between efficiency and sustainability, and between effectiveness and fairness.
Papers are invited with the broad scope of each theme below, allowing for a maximum flexibility and interdisciplinarity. Papers may focus on empirical problems and descriptions thereof and/or on theoretical consideration. The ultimate aim being to bring up scholarly and intellectual debates about the issue of Fairness in our "worried" world, papers with sociological, economical and political analyses are welcome. Suggested areas of thoughts are:
New Paradigm of Sustainability in the Managerial horizon (Beyond the management clichés and moulds).
Sustainable Environmental Partnership. (The environment as drive for innovation).
Sustainable materialism.
Deontology of management.
Civil Governance rooted in new type of social partnership such as corporate citizenship, for fairness and good values, against organizational indifference.
Sustainability as organizational revolution. (Minds, systems and structures).
The Fair, the right and the Evil.
Surrealistic short terms returns or sustainable relationships.
Dr. Philippe DAUDI, Baltic Business School, University of Kalmar, 391 82 Kalmar, Sweden
fax: +46 480 497110
M.Sc. Daiva BALCIUNAITE, Research Assistant, Baltic Business School, University of Kalmar, 391 82 Kalmar, Sweden
fax: +46 480 497110
Dr. Ulrike LEOPOLD WILDBURGER, Institut für Statistik und Operation Research, Karl-Franzens-Universität A-8010 Graz, Austria
fax: +43 3163809560
In association with researchers at the University of Rennes1, Faculties des Sciences Economiques, Rennet, France; and the South ASIAN research Group coordinated by Dr Om Huvanandana, President of the College of Management at the University of Mahidol, Bangkok, Thailand.